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Bio-inspired neuromorphic engineering for future intelligent hardware systems.

1. Emerging Device Development


Memristors, also called RRAMs or resistive switching devices, have attracted tremendous attention as possible candidates for many applications such as neuromorphic computing hardware, next-generation memory cells, logic applications, and security applications. The Lab is now developing a new strategy to achieve optimized switching behavior through CMOS compatible materials/fabrication steps.

2. Algorithm Development

Spiking Neural Networks (SNN) are considered as a truly brain-inspired algorithm and are expected to be able to reduce required power for data processing by mimicking the human brain. Our group is now constructing and modifying the algorithm to facilitate and utilize a structural and functional property of emerging devices.


3. Integrated System Development

Another major focus would be the heterogeneous integration of intelligent systems from input sensors to computing units. By utilizing memristor-based computing systems, the team will demonstrate fully integrated systems from artificial neurons (CMOS) to artificial synapses(memristors). The team will also involve in development of in-memory computing applications using the integrated systems.

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